Sunday, June 15, 2008

Boys and their bikes..

Maybe it's like when you get a green car and then you see them everywhere, I am noticing more and more the amount of customized bikes that are getting around the city. From your totally color co-ordinated narrow bar go-ped (fixed wheel), to your more elaborate (and expensive) professional road bikes. This guy was happy for me to take his pic, but after he told me that his bike cost him just under 100万円 (about $10,000), I wasn't going to ask him if I could take it for a spin..


I was quite happy however to let "Dancing Oji-san" take the Durcus for a quick lap around the food table area.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's what i'm missing .... a bike in Japan. Was a very keen BMXer many years ago .... would love to get back on again and open a few more travelling options up. Best be getting on to the real estate agent firt thing tomorrow and get him to move the broken down model the last tennant left behind though.